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#MyimPerfection – Designed for Confidence

#MyimPerfection – Designed for Confidence

Welcome to the final instalment of our #MyimPerfection series – for 2021 at least!  

Looking back to the beginning of the year, we wanted to create something comforting to those starting their path to embracing their imperfections – a journey that can be very isolating and intimidating. And what better way to do that than through the stories of those that had walked the path before? 

Though we knew #MyimPerfection had the potential to bring the community together, in all honesty, it seemed like such an impossible task; we wondered if our Porcelain Community trusted us enough to be vulnerable and to tell their stories. As we conclude this rollercoaster ride of a year, we are heartened and ever-grateful to those that have opened up and shared their stories with us.   

From Mei Ling, who was the first to take a leap of faith with us, to Cellin, Esther, Derrick, Lionel and Melissa, we can’t express how much it means to us that you’ve shown our series your support.   

Without further ado, let’s wrap up the year with Melissa’s story – a journey unknowingly designed for confidence. 


Although we never met before, speaking with Melissa on a late Saturday afternoon felt like catching up with an old friend over coffee. A marketeer by trade but a spin-enthusiast at heart, we sat down to dive into her journey to embracing her imperfections. 

What is your imperfection? 

“For me, it was mainly my blackheads and large pores.”   

Not knowing how to manage her blackheads in her younger years, Melissa relied on her mum to guide her through. Starting with pore strips, Melissa found that they were gradually less effective and that it wasn’t removing her blackheads for good. Studying in a girl’s school, Melissa shared that she began to compare her skin to those around her.   

“Though we all had our share of skin issues, I felt that no one around me had as bad of a blackhead issue as I did.” 

At that tender age, Melissa couldn’t help but wonder why her skin was the way it was. To make matters worse, she recalled an instance where her classmate approached her to ask why her blackheads were so obvious.  

“Though I knew she didn’t have any malicious intent behind the question, I felt so personally attacked, and I started to feel even more insecure about my skin.”  

Turning again to mum for help, Melissa experienced her first facial at age 13. Describing that her first contact with facials had been painful enough to scare her away for the longest time, Melissa shared that she genuinely felt lost on how she could care for her skin. Much like the others who we spoke to in this series, Melissa relied on trial and error.   

“I just genuinely didn’t know how to care for my skin, so whatever I tried was what I saw on the internet and what was recommended by influencers and celebrities.”  

Given that she had wasted a fair bit of money on this trial and error, eventually, Melissa started to scale back her efforts in improving her skin. This only served to exacerbate her skin concerns.   

A Rough Sketch for a Bright Future 

Despite the rough start, Melissa restarted her skin journey once she had an income. And at the behest of her friends, Melissa decided to give facials another try.   

“Unfortunately, it was as painful as I remembered it to be. But it wasn’t just that. The experiences I had at other spas were quite unpleasant, to say the least.”  

When she visited her spas at the time, Melissa felt judged for letting her skin’s condition worsen. With the therapists and consultants berating her with questions on why she let her skin deteriorate, a great sense of discomfort and distrust started to build.   

As she continued to explore facial spots to find one she was comfortable with, Melissa continued to share the unpleasantries that occurred.   

“Some places started to try to upsell packages. But they never shared what it was my skin needed, only told me to select from a list of different price options.”   

This led to another round of trial and error with a variety of other spas until one day, she came across an ad for Porcelain. Deciding to research and learn a little more, Melissa found the testimonials of others – about the natural and simplistic skincare formulas and approach – as a comforting sign to give this local spa a try.   

“Since I was experiencing my bout of Maskne at the time, I took it as a sign to finally do something once and for all to resolve my skin issues.”  

In her first appointment with her therapist Adeline, Melissa felt that she had been taken under the wing of a skincare expert. With a treatment and product plan being designed specifically for Melissa, she felt more at ease, believing that Adeline and Porcelain had her best interests at heart.    

“Adeline genuinely came across as someone who cared for me and wanted to help me improve my skin.”  

Since then, Melissa’s confidence and skin gradually grew, leaving her with an effortless aura and radiant skin.    

A piece of advice for my younger self: 

“Be patient and don’t beat yourself up for not having perfect skin.” 

And a piece of advice for those experiencing similar imperfections: 

“It can be a very intimidating experience to have someone take a close look at your skin but don’t wait till your skin condition gets too bad and find a spa that you feel comfortable with.” 

Melissa’s Favourites: 

Stuck between two treatments, Melissa shared that she enjoyed the cleansed feeling that the OxyRevive provided and the soothing and therapeutic sensations of Cryotherapy. 

“For products, I really enjoy the HA+ Hydrating Serum and Ultra-Sheer Platinum UV Protector!” 

The Porcelain Difference: 

“I feel that the people at Porcelain, even beyond my therapist, try to build a relationship with me. It feels like a place I can have full confidence in and trust that they have my best interest in heart.” 


We would like to thank Melissa for sharing her journey and showing us that it’s never too late to begin your journey to embrace your skin and its imperfections. We hope it sheds a comforting light on your journey to embracing your imperfections. Know that your beauty is more than meets the eye and is a result of your unique experiences. We will always be here to journey with you as you embrace them.      

Thank you for following along with the journeys of #MyimPerfection 2021 and here’s to another year of real, heartfelt stories shared by you.💙  

Love, Porcelain. 

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