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Milia Seeds 101: The Lowdown

Milia Seeds 101: The Lowdown

What are Milia Seeds?

Millia Seed under the eyes

Pretty as they sound, these are not flower seeds. Also known as oilseeds, milia seeds are keratin-filled bumps that usually develop around the eye and nose area. They’re the bane of every quest to silky smooth skin because they cause a rough and uneven skin texture. Commonly found in people of all ages, they form when the skin does not slough off normally and get trapped in pores. Not so pretty now, are they?

What Causes Them?

Milia seeds are often caused by overly rich creams or oil-based skin care products. For some people, they are hereditary or caused by hormonal changes. Certain medications and pollutants can also be contributing factors. However, before you start panicking about those little white bumps on your face, do note that these are fairly harmless.

How To Prevent Them?

Avoid using creams that are too rich for your eye area as it might cause pore congestion. Rich concealers are often silent causes as people often use them to cover up dark eye circles. Consider using an oil-free lotion or cream, or possibly change products altogether, as an allergy may also be a cause. Sunburns may also cause damage leading to the cysts, so be sure to wear sunblock if burning is a problem. Most importantly, keep your hands off your face to prevent excess bacteria from getting on it!

How To Get Rid Of Milia Seeds?

Common ways include the use of a topical retinoid cream such as tretinoin, tazarotene or adapalene; removal with a sterile lancet or scalpel followed by the use of a comedone extractor, a tool used to remove whiteheads and blackheads; a series of fruit acid peels or microdermabrasion procedures; and carbon dioxide laser treatment. You should consult a dermatologist or aesthetic specialist for the appropriate course of treatment. Most importantly, do not try to remove them by squeezing them yourself, as it will very likely lead to scars.

PS: Porcelain’s Precision Facials helps to effectively remove milia seeds. For targeted milia seed removal, check out our RevitalEyes TreatmentBook now or call 6227 9692 or Whatsapp us at 9721 1008 to find out more.

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