Milia seeds are a skin condition that can happen to anyone at any time in life. They are most often seen in newborns and can be expected to rapidly disappear in these cases. The biggest problem with milia occurring in infancy is panicky parents, who do not know how harmless and temporary it is. Milia may not be so temporary when adults get it. In fact, these unsightly blister-like bumps can sometimes be permanent without intervention.

Causes of Milia Seeds
The truth is that no one knows the causes with certainty. It is widely believed that this condition is due to an exfoliation problem when tiny flakes of dead skin clog the pores. Our research indicates that this is likely only half of the equation. The other half is an excess of cholesterol in the skin, where the body frequently deposits its excess cholesterol. This, in turn, leads us to a third contributing factor, which is sunlight deficiency. A body removes excess cholesterol in the skin through sunlight, which helps converts it into vitamin D3.
Here are some of the other causes of Milia Seeds:
- trauma to sweat ducts
- radiotherapy (radiation)
- sunscreens
- topical corticosteroid use
- genodermatoses (genetics)
Home-Care for Milia Seeds:
For those who want to care for them themselves, we recommend:
- Take frequent showers
- Exfoliate the skin
- Supplementation with niacin is the single most effective treatment for some sufferers
- Avoid heavy facial cosmetics
- Get moderate sunlight exposure frequently
- Reduce high cholesterol foods
- Supplement with biotin, because many sufferers find that biotin supplementation alone cures their milia
- CoQ10 is produced by the body during intense exercise and is found in meat and fish. The body uses it to emulsify oils and increase energy. Emulsifiers make oils water-soluble (like soap), which assists in its removal, thus reducing milia.
Treatment for Milia Seeds:
Extractions are the key to porcelain skin.
Director Aesthetician, Jenny Teng, who has had over 17 years of experience as an aesthetician, explains.
“Throughout my career, there is one core finding in my approach to effective skincare treatment. That is the thorough deep cleansing of the skin using specific extraction techniques for different skin problems. It has been my mantra and Porcelain’s mantra. With proper deep cleansing, nutrients from the products we use can penetrate much easily into the dermis and that is what makes Porcelain facials different.”
Porcelain’s Director Aesthetician has been known widely for her skills to remove milia seed through extractions. Find out more about Precision Facial and how our Director can help your skin.
Blog Reviews by Clients:
- “Despite the red spots, I was happy. No, ECSTATIC. My skin was not only silky smooth but BABY SOFT! Every painful moment through the extraction that I tried to trace back, was well compensated with the pure glow and light that I was looking myself in the mirror.” – Grace Lim
- “Jenny then starts working and she left no pore untouched. Every single one of my pores was pulled, poked, squeezed and some, multiple times. I held a hand-mirror as she worked; explaining her meticulous process at the same time. I looked on with an amalgamated mix of excitement, surprise and embarrassment. Out of my pores came deep-seated milia seeds (oilseeds) and gunk produced by my over-active sebaceous glands.” – Nicolas Travis
- “When the redness subsided, my skin was smooth as a baby’s bottom. Well, maybe not that smooth but smoother and clearer than it had been in years. Some of the pigmentation was also considerably lighter and I was loving my new glowing Photoshopped complexion. In fact, I’m so sold that I’m willing to go through the entire ordeal all over again.” – Mother Inc, Daphne Ling