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#MyimPerfection – Liberty beyond Boundaries

#MyimPerfection – Liberty beyond Boundaries

The journey to embracing one’s imperfections is very personal – some find their way by prioritising their self-care, others through friends and family, while some find their way by breaking through personal boundaries and comfort zones.   

Welcome to #MyimPerfection – a collection of real stories, graciously shared by individuals on their path to embracing their true selves, unabashed and unmasked.    

This month, we were blessed with the opportunity to listen to a story from a different perspective – one of liberty found beyond boundaries.   


Despite the early morning rain, the mood at the seemingly serene Porcelain Face Spa was bright and teeming, eager to meet our guest for this instalment of the #MyimPerfection series. – Derrick. Much like the spa itself, Derrick’s initial calm and composed energy soon melted away for unbeatable confidence and infectious laughter that made the conversation lively.

What is your imperfection? 

“It was acne problems for me. I started dealing with it in my teenage days and it was terrible.”  

Seeking solutions to manage his acne by himself, Derrick turned to beauty forums. Not armed with sufficient knowledge at the time, he started to follow the forum’s DIY solutions – from mixing apple cider vinegar with rose water to only sticking to 3 skincare steps to minimise pore congestion. Derrick dabbled in various remedies and skincare products, believing they would help his skin. However, these homemade concoctions never gave him the skin of his dreams. Instead, it caused his oily-combination skin to turn sensitive.   

As Derrick progressed to university, his self-esteem and confidence took a hit.   

“I was pursuing a business degree, which entailed a lot of presentations. Standing and presenting next to friends who had flawless skin and looked good eventually caused me to lose my sense of confidence.”  

Throughout his schooling experience, he braved through comments made about his skin – from those suggesting he needed to do something about his skin to statements that played to negative university faculty stereotypes.   

“I couldn’t lift my head up when I was out, which meant that I stayed home a lot, just to avoid having people look at my skin. There was even an instance where I heard a child ask their mum what happened to my face. It was awful.”

At the time, Derrick was still relying upon the advice of forums and testing various products in hopes of finding the right solution. Surprisingly, Derrick shared that he did not consider facials as he was held back by traditional views about the service.   

“I never believed in facials as I adopted the traditional mindset that in society, only women and effeminate men were allowed to experience facials.”  

However, this view was soon about to change.   

A moment of liberty beyond boundaries… 

After entering the workforce, Derrick felt that his career was being held back by his skin and decided to search for long-term skincare solutions – even prepared to consider the once-taboo option of facials.  

“It was a rather vain decision but it occurred to me while I was reading a magazine. All the successful people you see were all well-groomed. For me, to advance my career, it was important to have good skin as it shows others you can take care of yourself and by extension, a team.”  

That was ultimately the turning point for Derrick – leading him to take up his friend’s recommendation at a local facial spa known as Porcelain.   

Believing in the recommendation, Derrick gave Porcelain a try in 2020 and had not turned back since.   

“When I caught up with university friends, they noticed my skin improved. I felt more confident in my presentations and I even realised that my bosses were fielding me for more senior management discussions.”  

Since then, Derrick’s relationship with his skin grew beyond the occasional facial. This included a robust skincare routine that he never lives without (even when travelling pre-COVID), investing in his skin through his lifestyle habits and diet.   

“I’m more careful with my diet – making sure to reduce oily foods, dairy and caffeine. I also make sure I get my 7 hours of sleep as much as I can.” 

A piece of advice for my younger self: 

“It’s important to research but not overdo it, to find a reputable company you can trust and avoid DIY as you may not know what product works best for your skin. Most importantly, never be afraid to try something.” 

And a piece of advice for those experiencing similar imperfections: 

“If I can overcome my skin imperfection, so can you.” 

Derrick’s Favourites: 

Though he first started his Porcelain skin journey with OxyRevive and saw his skin improve drastically with the Quintessential, Derrick’s favourite was Cryotherapy.   

For products, Derrick admitted that it was hard to pick his favourite.  Eventually, he concluded that the HA+ Hydrating Serum was his must-have. “It helped me a lot. Before using it, my skin was dry and sensitive but after introducing it into my routine, I swear by it.”

The Porcelain Difference: 

“I love the homely feeling at Porcelain, especially Porcelain Face Spa. It gives me a sense of comfort and that I’m being well taken care of.”  


We would like to thank Derrick for sharing his journey and providing a perspective we rarely get to see. We hope it sheds a comforting light on your journey to embracing your own imperfections. Know that your beauty is more than meets the eye and is a result of your unique experiences. We will always be here to journey with you as you embrace them.    

Love, Porcelain. 

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